Notice board
Please note that the cattery is now fully booked to 15 February inclusive.
Cattery opening hours
Office opening hours
The cattery is open between 10 a.m. and 12 noon each day of the week (I am cleaning out cats prior to 10 and may then have customers from 10-12).
Emails are preferable to phone calls as I can respond to them much quicker.
Cat delivery and collection appointment hours
Please be aware that you will need to book an appointment to drop off or pick up your cat as there is limited parking. The cattery is open from 10-12 with appointments starting at 10 .. then 10.30, 11 and 11.30.
All appointments are for 30 minutes, this ensures that you have time to settle your cat and complete any necessary paperwork. It also means, unfortunately, that if you’re late you’ll have a shorter appointment time as the next owner will be waiting.
Notice board
Please note that the cattery is now fully booked to 15 February inclusive.